
DIY: Field Day

How to host this "end of the school year" staple with recyclables in your own backyard!

June 4, 2020

When Governor Murphy mandated that classrooms go virtual, teachers rushed to alter their lesson plans in order to make them computer friendly.  While there certainly were challenges, most subject matters were convertible.  Physical education, however, was a bit more difficult to instruct over the internet.  Sure, adults enjoy virtual workouts all the time, but kids thrive in environments where they can play with one another and be apart of a team.

One of the ways that kids would have been able to be "active" while at school this year was through Field Day.  Field Day, by definition, is a day of sports and competitions.  In my elementary school, our Field Day was a competition between the Red and the White team; our two school colors.  Each classroom in each grade level was divided into those two teams, allowing for an even attempt at winning the most relay type activities.  Some of the relay type activities included potato sack races, egg on a spoon balancing races, bobbing for apples stations and steeplechases!  I can honestly say it was an event that all of the students looked forward to each year!

Since Field Day in its traditional form cannot take place for the 2019-2020 school year, why not host your very own WITH RECYCLABLES in YOUR OWN BACKYARD!  Simply divide your family up into 2 teams, build the obstacle like stations on your property and "let the games begin!"

Here are 5 Recy-stacles to set up:

1.  Hoop Shooting into a cardboard box

2.  Golfing with a paper towel roll club

3.  Leap Frogging over pizza boxes

4.  "Curb Walking" while balancing a milk carton on your head

5.  "CAN Jamming" by smashing the most amount of soda cans by foot in 1 minute