
Halloween in Quarantine

7 Ways To Celebrate Safely This Year!

By Kate Downes October 7, 2020

While I am a sucker for a good rhyme, celebrating a Halloween in Quarantine did not initially get me very excited.  I love being able to walk around my neighborhood with my sons as they gleefully run from door to door cheering "trick or treat" and collecting their fair share of sweets.  I also love greeting trick or treaters at my door and commenting on how cute or creative their costumes are.  Thankful that the holiday has not been deemed cancelled by Governor Murphy,  I am disappointed that this year's celebrations will look a bit different than in years past.  Rather than just chalking it up to another thing affected by the virus, I decided to change my attitude a bit and come up with ways to not only celebrate the upcoming SPOOKY SATURDAY, but to also make it one that my sons (and neighbors) won't soon forget.  Here are 7 ways to safely (and creatively) celebrate Halloween this year:

Make (and deliver) BOO-Baskets!  While Governor Murphy has suggested that we avoid handing out candy, why not put together bags/baskets of individually wrapped treats for your friends and neighbors.  Quietly place these bags/baskets on their doorsteps after dark on the 30th so that their Halloweens will start off on a "sweet" note!

Project a Movie onto the Front of Your House!  One common tradition is watching a scary movie with friends on Halloween night.  While large gatherings are frowned upon, why not project a scary (albeit family friendly) movie onto the front of your house so that friends and neighbors can gather outdoors in a socially distanced manner to enjoy the flick!  (Need a suggestion on a movie?  Check out this list to find one that is perfect for your friends and neighbors!)

Give TRICKS NOT TREATS!  Like I mentioned before, handing out candy might not be the best option this Halloween.  Rather than focusing in on the "treat" aspect of the holiday, why not think about "tricking" your kids, friends or neighbors.  Pulling April Fools type pranks might just give them the "scare" that they were hoping for on Halloween!

Do a Trick or Treat Scavenger Hunt at Home!  If the idea of walking around your neighborhood on Halloween does not seem like a safe idea, why not create a Trick or Treat scavenger hunt in your house.  During the hunt, your kids can collect different individually wrapped candies.  Dropping those candies into their Halloween treat bags might even make them feel like they are actually trick or treating.

Do a Holiday Mashup!  Instead of an Easter egg hunt, do a pumpkin hunt.  Rather than a Birthday cake, eat a pumpkin pie!  

Start a Trunk or Treat on your Street!  Governor Murphy has allowed Trunk or Treats events to take place this year, as long as they are done in a safe manner.  If there are no events like that near your home, why not ask your neighbors if they would like to do their own Trunk or Treat for your street.  By keeping the kids close and in an environment with just a few families, everyone is sure to have a Great Halloween in Quarantine!