
Mancala and More

Unique ways to use your Halloween Candy

By Kate Downes November 5, 2020

Happy belated Halloween! I hope that you and your families enjoyed a weekend full of fun and freight! 

For my family, this Halloween was one to remember! Aside from it being a holiday in quarantine, it was the first time that my almost four year old understood what trick or treating meant! He loved every second of running between houses to collect individually wrapped candies and appreciated seeing the different costumes walking around our neighborhood! My little man, on the other hand, cried most of the day because he couldn’t run as freely as his brother but also a bit because I forced him to sport a Luigi mustache to complete his costume 

But now that the tricks have been put away and the treats have been given out, I dont think that I am the only one who is overwhelmed by what to do with all of the sweets that are still sitting on the kitchen counter?! Sure, a nibble here or there would be fine, but with the amount of candy that my gang collected, we would be nibbling from now until next Halloween!

Rather than just throwing the candy away, which was my husband's idea, I decided to be a bit more creative in my “disposal”.  Here are five simple ways that I plan to put my candy to good use this week:

1.  Donate it!  Campi Dental is hosting their annual Candy Buy Back event this Saturday!  During the event, you can drop off your candy at their Wall location so that it can be donated to the troops overseas!  Campi Dental will also be offering a "pay out" of $1 per pound of candy during that event!

2.  Turn it into a game!  Have you ever heard of the game, Mancala?  It is a two-player, turn-based strategy game played with small stones or beads.  In order to set it up, all you will need is an empty egg carton and a few bags of fun sized M&M's.  

3.  Make Jell-o!  In accordance to the COVID-19 protocols, treats were to be packaged individually.  This made juice boxes a great treat for treaters!  With 16oz of juice, 1 tablespoon of unflavored gelatin and 2 tablespoons of honey, you can make your own jello jigglers!

4.  Top your Mac and Cheese!  Who said you can only use breadcrumbs for baked macaroni and cheese?  Why not smash up the mini bags of chips that you received and top your casserole with it tonight!

5.  Use it as a learning tool!  While it might be a temptation during the lesson, you candy can be a great tool for learning basic addition, subtraction, colors and/or shapes!