Living Family Bible Church1595 Route 88Brick NJ 07762
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This is a fun, family-friendly event for the family this Christmas season. There will be photos with Santa, hot chocolate and cookies, craft station, coloring station, some games, free Bingo, and Santa will be doing a storybook reading of the real reason for the Christmas season. Below is the schedule for the event:
5-5:45pm: Explore Santa's Workshop - Pics with Santa, Cookie Decorating, Crafts, Coloring, Games, Hot Chocolate, etc.
5:45-6pm: Christmas Bingo and Storybook Reading from Santa
6-6:45pm: Explore Santa's Workshop - Pics with Santa, Cookie Decorating, Crafts, Coloring, Games, Hot Chocolate, etc.
6:45-7pm: Christmas Bingo and Storybook Reading from Santa
7pm: Ending